The New Breed of Family Leaders

The New Breed of Family Leaders

In business, we often talk about the three eternal markets:

  • Wealth
  • Health
  • Relationships

Almost any action we take, dollar we spend, or hour we use is spent in one of these three markets.

We talk a lot about the Fatherhood crisis – that requires us to step up.

So it is time for the new breed of family leaders.

Let’s introduce the Present Provider!

The Present Provider is a:

  • Business leader
  • Family leader
  • Spiritual leader

As the business leader

We are providing for our families by building a business.

But in our business, we are focused on Impact over Income.

This is going to build a legacy.

As the family leader

We are going to be servants and proactive.

We focus on giving more than we take.

We are serving our family.

As the spiritual leader

We take care of our family.

We understand that we are Stewards of God.

This means that we are not owners of the world, God is.

So we are humble in what we do.

We are given our family as a gift & blessing.

Understanding these 3 positions of our leadership is going to enable us to become the best leader we can be to serve our families.

This is going to make a huge difference in the life of our wives and kids.

It all starts with you stepping up and accepting the responsibility to serve your family as the leader.

It’s not going to be easy, but it will be rewarding to do so.

So let's Step Up, my brother!

Your Jowi

The Trail Notes

Real insights from one dad to another—on fatherhood, business, and building a life of presence. Practical strategies to grow your One-Dad Business, lead your family, and provide with purpose. I share my Journey to become a Present Provider.