Good Decisions vs. Good Outcomes

Hey Reader,

Just because you won something doesn’t mean that it was a good decision to participate.

Sometimes in life, it feels like we were just lucky—that we were in the right place at the right time.

We observe this in the lives of others as well.

Some people around you just seem like they got lucky, were gifted.

When we are starting a business, it feels daunting. It feels like we have to be lucky.

The more years I spend in the entrepreneurial world, the more I see two components to success:

  1. Decisions
  2. Outcomes

The decision creates one input. The output we wait for is reflected in the outcome.

In the tech world, there is the saying: Garbage in, garbage out.

While I generally agree with this, it doesn’t quite capture the whole part.

There is a lottery winner.

They win a lot of money once.

This is a great outcome.

The issue is that they can’t replicate success.

So the great outcome is there, but it’s achieved by random chance.

This is the case when sometimes garbage in leads to gold out.

That doesn’t mean that a bad decision can’t still lead to a good outcome.

When we’re starting a business, we should focus on making good decisions.

It is true that a good decision might not lead to a good outcome in the first try.

But try it often enough and the winner effect will be there.

Good decisions will create good outcomes that are repeatable.

Don’t be discouraged when you make a good decision and it leads to a bad outcome.

Do it again.

Don’t start making bad Decisions in the Hope of getting a good Outcome.

I'm in it with you, my friend!


The Trail Notes

Real insights from one dad to another—on fatherhood, business, and building a life of presence. Practical strategies to grow your One-Dad Business, lead your family, and provide with purpose. I share my Journey to become a Present Provider.