Hey Reader, What’s the difference between a dog and a wolf? You might say one is tamed while the other is a wild animal. Those are true. But here’s one more interesting observation. When I was studying wild life, I also studied wolves. The dog strolls while the wolf strides. When you observe a dog, he goes from tree to tree. Yet when you observe a wolf, he trots. When I would ask you: Who of the two is on a mission? Why do we make this conclusion? Because the wolf acts effective. The movement is intentional. He knows where he wants to go. The same is true for a man. As fathers and businessmen, we don’t have time to waste. That’s what draws me to the idea of productivity. But in the chase of efficiency, we seem to lose direction. Trying to move with speed when we should sometimes slow down. Take a step back. Get clarity. And then decide where to go. This is what effective men do. That is what makes us dangerous—because we know where we go. We don’t get distracted because we’re on a mission. That is what sets effective men apart from efficient men. When you’re ready to take your business serious and become effective, book a free strategy session with me to plan ahead. Let's become dangerous men together to lead our families better! Jowi |
Real insights from one dad to another—on fatherhood, business, and building a life of presence. Practical strategies to grow your One-Dad Business, lead your family, and provide with purpose. I share my Journey to become a Present Provider.