The $1 Billion Business You Would Never Sell?

Hey Reader,

In a recent podcast that I listened to, they were chatting about the perfect business.

A lot of people advise to build a business you could sell later.

It is with the idea to personally get so much money out of the exit that you would never need to work again in your life.

When I talk to my clients, they always say that they don’t mind to work. It is the other way around. They want to show their work. What a good work ethic looks like.

In the podcast, the host asked: “What if I would build the business that you would not sell for $1 billion?”

When that would mean you couldn’t have an exit where you could never do the same business again.

The idea behind the question is to focus on the business that you want to have. Not the business that you start just for the money.

I have this conversation with my clients when they start their One-Dad Business.

It is so exciting to see their change when they find the business they would never sell—because they love to help their clients so much.

This is the business they build for their lifetime.

When I asked myself that question, I came to The Present Provider.

I love business, and I love families.

There is nothing more fun for me than to talk business with dads.

Fathers building to provide with presence for their families.

That’s my joy.

This is what I want to share with my son growing up.

What’s your business that you would never sell for $1 billion?

Reply to this mail!

Looking forward to reading from you!


The Trail Notes

Real insights from one dad to another—on fatherhood, business, and building a life of presence. Practical strategies to grow your One-Dad Business, lead your family, and provide with purpose. I share my Journey to become a Present Provider.