Don’t Follow Fishermen, Follow the Fish

Hey Reader,

In business, we are often tempted to jump on big trends. We often feel like we’re missing out if we don’t.

Especially at the beginning, it’s hard. The question is: how do you get started?

You should go where the fish are. Don’t blindly follow the advice of the fishermen.

The fish is the spot, not the fishermen. The rest will follow long after.

A friend and I went fishing together. When we arrived at the lake, it was often that way that others were leaving. So you just lost.

Ash knew the fish are biting today. Those tips are helpful, but they aren’t all the answers.

You can try those things, but you should also experiment on your own.

What’s the business lesson here?

We try to do what the big guys are saying. Their advice works only when you have a boat to fish in.

You’re starting out, so you stand on the lakeside without a boat. You don’t have what it takes to make their tips work.

The second thing that I see is that you are the fish they are after.

They try to tell you what you should do because it’s their business.

Instead of chasing big trends or trying to build the most scalable modern business, focus on the opportunity right in front of your feet.

You don’t need an audience online, and you don’t need to have it all figured out.

This is the way most bigger guys had to get started.

To help you take those steps, I put together a 59-minute video course you can check out HERE for free.

Let's go find our own Fish!


The Trail Notes

Real insights from one dad to another—on fatherhood, business, and building a life of presence. Practical strategies to grow your One-Dad Business, lead your family, and provide with purpose. I share my Journey to become a Present Provider.